Fujifilm Events, Grants, and
In-Kind Equipment Requests


Image Quality is at the very core of Fujifilm’s 85+ year legacy. As a market leader in endoscopy, we partner with other key stakeholders in healthcare to accelerate innovation and deliver meaningful solutions to support the advancement and optimization of endoscopic patient care.

In pursuit of these goals, FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas Corporation (Fujifilm) appreciates the important role that educational grants, and the loan of Fujifilm endoscopic, pulmonary, and/or endosurgical technologies for these purposes can play.

Grants & In-Kind Equipment Requests
If you would like Fujifilm to consider providing a grant or technology loan to support your medical education program, please complete and submit the application for a Grant Request or In-Kind Equipment Request. NOTE: Unrestricted grant requests are not accepted.

Event Requests
Fujifilm also recognizes that it can further support medical education and training through participation as an exhibitor or commercial sponsor at medical educational conferences, professional association congresses, and other educational events for medical professionals. If there is a medical education event that you would like Fujifilm to consider participation as an exhibitor and/or sponsor, please complete and submit the application for an Event Request.

Request Considerations
Factors that we consider when reviewing requests for grants include: research or educational scope and content, research protocol or program curriculum, budget and, in the case of educational programs, audience and location. In addition, requests are reviewed to ensure compliance with the FUJIFILM Holdings America Corporation Policy on Interactions with Health Care Professionals and the AdvaMed Code of Ethics. NOTE: Unrestricted grant requests are not accepted.

In order to provide sufficient time for review, applications should be submitted at least 90 days prior to the requested funding or technology loan decision date. Please be aware that Fujifilm standard payment terms are net 60 days. The payment term begins once all required information is received from the requestor and the request is approved by Fujifilm. We hope you will understand that, while Fujifilm receives many worthwhile requests, our resources are limited and we are not able to grant all requests.

Our consideration of your request for an education or research grant, or loan of technology for such purpose, or to participate as an exhibitor or sponsor at a medical educational event will not in any way be based or conditioned upon any purchase, lease, use, recommendation or order of any item or service from Fujifilm or any of its affiliates, or upon arranging for purchase lease, use or order of any such item or service. Acceptance of a grant or loan of technology by Fujifilm will not in any manner impose on the requestor or any other person or entity any obligation whatsoever to purchase, lease, use, recommend, or order any such product or service or to arrange for the same.

Please note, event applications apply only to events taking place within the United States of America. We do not accept requests from any country outside the USA. For these requests, please reach out to your local country of origin’s contact.

To get started, submit one of the following applications:

Grant Request

Funding for medically qualified academic or training institutions.

In-Kind Equipment Request

In-kind endoscopic equipment for professional education for medically qualified academic or training institutions.

Event Request

A designated booth, table, or similar type of exhibit space for an event.